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I ntroducing a simple way to track your staff certifications online! CertPanda was inspired by professionals looking for an easier way to make sure their staff certifications, licenses, and more never expire. Tired of tracking by hand and constantly having to check spreadsheets, managers were ready to be proactive about certifications.

“I was tired of constantly checking spreadsheets to make sure my staff were current…”

In many industries, it is very important that staff keep current on their certifications, licenses, and credentials.

Expired certifications can be a massive liability for organizations if they have staff on the clock that are no longer current on their certifications. In addition, many employees may not be legally allowed to work if their certification lapses.

Nowadays, it is hard enough to find qualified staff to work, but having to find shift coverage due to an expired certification is a problem that can easily be avoided.

In the event that an organization is audited, it can be extremely time-consuming and cumbersome to organize and provide copies of your staff certifications to the auditor in a timely manner. You may have to sort through file cabinets of certification cards or unorganized network drives full of JPEG or PDF copies of digital certification cards. You don’t want to be caught trying to provide all of this documentation to an auditor.

CertPanda allows you to easily track all of your staff certifications, licenses, credentials, and more all in one place. You can attach documents to each certification so it is easy to download them from anywhere at any time. Most importantly, CertPanda will alert your managers and staff when an employee certification is going to expire soon. You’ll be notified 90, 60, 30, 7, and 0 days prior to the expiration date so you can make sure to get the employee re-certified before you have a much bigger problem on your hands.

“The days of worrying if my staff are expired are over!”

Get started tracking your staff certifications online by signing up for a 14-day free trial account. See for yourself how easily tracking staff certifications online can be!